Q-Pulse WorkRite

CPD Accredited

Display Screen Equipment Training Course for Office Workers

Deliver essential DSE training for your office

Our Display Screen Equipment Training Course (DSE) educates employees on how to maintain correct posture and sitting positions while using a computer at work. This ensures that they avoid back, shoulders and neck problems and other issues like repetitive strain syndrome, promoting safe and comfortable workstation practices.  

Learning outcomes

Discover the key points of knowledge your staff will gain

Identify the main risks of using display screen equipment

Know how to set up workstations and environments to avoid these risks

Be aware of the risks of using hand-held technology

Understand the benefits of moving more at work

Use laptops in a healthier way

Understand their entitlements as employees

Know who to contact to report a problem


Realise the benefits e-learning will bring to your organisation

Cost-effective way of training staff in DSE set-up

Saves valuable time and resources

Users can complete the courses at a pace that suits them

Provides automatic email reminders to prompt users to complete course

Police-approved secure platform with hourly data backups encrypted with AES-256 encryption

Interactive, visual learning

Easy-to-digest information

Peace-of-mind for employers

Potential reduction in musculoskeletal disorders and resulting absenteeism


Certification by external professional bodies

Display Screen Equipment Training Course for Office Workers is CPD (Continuing Professional Development) accredited. Make a commitment to your professional development to keep your skills and knowledge fresh and up to date.


Find out what this course will cover



Workstation set-up

Positioning of equipment

Sit-stand working

Agile working

Tablets and smartphones



Take the test