Q-Pulse WorkRite

CPD Accredited

Level 1 Food Safety Training Course

Food safety essentials for food and drink servers

If you work with or around food, you have a responsibility to ensure that anything served to your customers is safe to eat. Our Level 1 Food Safety Training course takes users on an interactive e-learning journey through the fundamentals of food hygiene. The engaging illustrations and interactive elements are designed to help users remember critical food safety information in line with UK legislation. They will learn everything from the most common hazards to look out for, to the best ways of avoiding contamination. 

This is an essential learning tool for anyone who serves food and drink in any environment. Our Catering Food Safety Level 2 Training course focuses on food safety in a catering environment and we also offer Retail Food Safety Level 2 Training for workers in a retail environment 

Learning outcomes

Discover the key points of knowledge your staff will gain

Identify the main hazards present in kitchens

Know how to organise equipment to avoid these risks

Be aware of the risks of cross-contamination and how to avoid it

Understand the benefits of cleaning properly

Cook to the appropriate temperatures

Understand their obligations under law


Realise the benefits e-learning will bring to your organisation

Cost-effective way of training staff

Saves valuable time and resources

Users can complete the courses at a pace that suits them

Provides automatic email reminders to prompt users to complete course

Police-approved secure platform with hourly data backups encrypted with AES-256 encryption

Interactive, visual learning

Easy-to-digest information

Peace-of-mind for employers

Potential reduction in health and safety issues related to food and drink


Certification by external professional bodies

Level 1 Food Safety Training course CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) accredited. Be proactive about maintaining a safe working environment.


Find out what this course will cover


Microbiological hazards





Hygiene and housekeeping


Take the test