Q-Pulse WorkRite

CPD Accredited

Legionella Training

Learn the key health and safety considerations your organisation should take

Discover what legionella is, where it can be found and why it poses such a risk in this short but comprehensive Legionella Training course. Employees will gain a good understanding of their responsibilities, how to carry out a legionella risk assessment and what to do next. The legionella awareness training takes users through important health and safety considerations, giving them an awareness of the potential hazards caused by legionella in an easily accessible format. 

Learning outcomes

Discover the key points of knowledge your staff will gain

Understand what legionella is, and the diseases associated with it

Understand who has what responsibilities

Identify typical legionella risks in the workplace

Know what to include in a legionella risk assessment

Be aware of what further action needs to be taken, if any

Know how to prevent and control legionella risk

Understand best practice for using laptops

Understand best practice for hot-desking


Realise the benefits e-learning will bring to your organisation

Cost-effective way of providing legionella training online

Easy to track and audit company-wide training

Saves valuable time and resources

Provides automatic email reminders to prompt users to complete course

Police-approved secure platform with hourly data backups encrypted with AES-256 encryption

Interactive, personalised, visual learning

Easy-to-digest information

Peace-of-mind for employers

Prevention of dangerous and costly outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease


Certification by external professional bodies

Our Legionella Training course is CPD (Continuing Professional Development) accredited. Make a commitment to your professional development to keep your skills and knowledge fresh and up to date.


Find out what this course will cover


What is legionella

Legionella risks at work

Legionella risk assessments

Prevention and control

