Q-Pulse QMS

Trending Product Question

02 October 2018

“What’s all this new stuff on my Q-Pulse server?”

Recently, our support team has noticed a growing trend in support cases around the installation of Q-Pulse version 6.5 and later. To be specific, this trend has been an increasing number of questions that you have on “Why has the installation package footprint increased?” and “What’s the purpose of the new files and services installed?” 

You are a curious bunch and quite rightly so: we all operate in an age of high scrutiny over data security, potential viruses and every file needs to be accounted for on your servers. I thought I’d take this opportunity to give you some insight into this change.

In releasing Q-Pulse version 6.5 in January this year, we took the first steps towards our goal of transforming Q-Pulse to an application that is aligned with user expectations of a modern, web user experience and interface. Version 6.5 provided an alternative entry point and browser experience to Q-Pulse’s Document module and a URL as defined on your server installation. I say “alternative”, as the whole Q-Pulse Windows desktop application, including the Document module, is still present and accessible from the Windows desktop LaunchPad.

To deliver this new experience, we have had to make a number of changes server side and a number of technologies deployed, so here they are:

Data Portal

The core data portal function hasn’t changed; however, it’s been updated to configure and simplify the distribution of the Q-Pulse URL “out of the box” to the new web client.

Identity Server

This is required for authentication to the application: it’s a separate service that allows Ideagen to follow industry standards for web-based authentication and is a key feature for the ongoing delivery and management of Q-Pulse authentication.

API server

This essentially acts as a middle man for the new web client to deliver the established, core, robust functionality of Q-Pulse through to the new web user interface (UI). The move from Windows to web requires this API approach.

Signal R

Built upon the previously mentioned APIs, this delivers the ‘in-app’ notifications, whereby multiple users in a Q-Pulse session will be provided with real time updates of activity happening on the record they are viewing. For example, if I’m viewing a document that another user has just revised, a notification will appear in my session.

Print Server

Printing in the Windows client was embedded in the application. We have now brought out printing into its own service, which improves app performance and offers the opportunity to extend future print functionality to build in report/print scheduling.

Q-Pulse Attachment Conversion Service

Part of the new document module is the embedded document viewer. Documents added through the client will be automatically converted to PDF format. The service is configurable to allow flexibility in run at a configurable interval. NB the component library in use for conversion is consistent with the windows client

I hope this article provides some insight into the “What” and “Why” of these installation changes. As we continue to enhance Q-Pulse, the installation will change in shape and form as we roll out more web services and changes in moving from Windows to web technology.