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Q-Pulse 7 Beta Program has gone live!

17 October 2018

We are delighted to announce that we are entering the next phase of the Version 7 release.

We have specially selected various lucky customers from ranging backgrounds and industries to put Version 7 through its paces. The have committed to using all functions and features of the new release and have promised to try their hardest to find as many bugs as possible which will fine tune the product ahead of its official launch.

The Beta program will last 6 weeks and will provide us with crucial, operational feedback from live working environments so that its perfect for you, our loyal customers, to upgrade and integrate Version 7 into their working lives.

As well as maintaining the software’s core functionality such as document, audit and corrective action management, the browser-based Q-Pulse 7 comes with powerful dashboard functionality for increased business intelligence, an intuitive user experience and the ability to integrate with other business systems.


UPDATE: Q-Pulse 7 Beta Programm has now closed. For more information please read here.