Q-Pulse QMS

12 Features That Will Make You a Pro at Using Q-Pulse - Part One

29 January 2020

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12 Features That Will Make You a Pro at Using Q-Pulse - Part One

Q-Pulse is a big, complex piece of software, so no matter if you’ve spent months or years using it, chances are there are still some features in it that you never even knew were there.

For example, did you know you can access Q-Pulse documents from anywhere in the world? Or that there’s a secret search feature in the Occurrences module?

If you didn’t (or even if you did), we’ve put together a list of 12 of these features from users just like you, to give you a mini-masterclass in getting the very most from Q-Pulse. Each of these 12 has been pointed out to us by a user as something they didn’t know the software could do that they thought you might like to know too.

If there’s anything missing from the list that you think should be on it – a feature that you’ve discovered about Q-Pulse that makes your life easier or that you just think is cool – let us know and we’ll add it to a future version of this article.

So, without further ado, let’s go!

1.    Secret searches (shh!)

Because of the way Q-Pulse displays data, there are some features that don’t quite fit into the Q-Pulse UI. One of these is a secret search feature in the Occurrences module (IMS).

  • Ctrl + F launches the quick search
  • It filters the results already on the page
  • If a column isn’t displayed, it won’t be searched

2.   Analysis tab 

When you activate the Occurrences and Incidents modules, the CA/PA Analysis module moves into a new tab called Analysis, where it’s joined by the Incident Analysis module. 

3.       Administrative privilege

If you have administrative access but have run out of primary licences, you’ll still able to log in and access the Administration module to carry out any Q-Pulse administrative tasks

4.       CA/PA is a workflow powerhouse

The CA/PA module is basically a workflow engine, which means you can create records for anything that needs a workflow, not just non-conformances – new staff, leavers, petty cash requests, new IT requests.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Create CA/PA source
  • Create CA/PA numbering sequence
  • Link the source to numbering sequence
  • Create the wizard
  • Create the template/workflow
  • Link the template to the wizard using the CA/PA source
  • Create the mandatory field list
  • Link the mandatory field list to the CA/PA source

5.   Access documents from anywhere 

The Document Retrieval Service is a tool that can be used to access document attachments through a web page. It can be installed on the server as well as embedded in other sites, for example SharePoint.

If it’s installed on a web server – say, for example if you’re using a DMZ – you can potentially access documents from anywhere in the world.

6.  Incidents versus CA/PA for audit findings (fight!)

CA/PA is the default finding type for Audit findings, but you can also use the Incident module. If you’re using the Incident module, the finding type can be set based on Audit Calendar type. This makes it easy to see where you’ve carried out a risk assessment through the RAG rating and the output report can also be colour coded.


Look out for part two next week. 

Written by

Andrew O'Hara

18 years' experience of working with Ideagen, including 16 years of marketing.