Legal and Compliance Register

Q-Pulse Law is a content service which manages environmental, health and safety legislation. It gives you an overview of the key legislation for your organisation, breaking down the fundamental components which are directly applicable to you.

How it helps

Get the most out of Q-Pulse

Saves significant time and work in finding and interpreting compliance legislation

Q-Pulse Law minimises the work required in reviewing and interpreting pieces of legislation. The system does it for you, meaning you don’t need to read through complex legislation or have a legal background to interpret it. It gets to the core of your organisation’s requirements, allowing you to build a bank of legal content quickly and easily.

Puts your mind at ease that all areas of compliance are identified and managed

Q-Pulse Law allows you to access up-to-date international, national and regional legislation with a single, integrated system. You can identify gaps in your compliance profile with a comprehensive overview of requirements and create tasks to remedy any gaps in your compliance.

Increases your focus on tasks instead of admin

The ability to create tasks to close compliance gaps enables you to focus on what you need to do, increasing overall productivity. Colour coded checklists show your level of compliance at a glance and quarterly updates are available for legislation, ensuring everything is up to date and meeting regulatory requirements.

Puts everything you need in one place

The legal register shows the purpose and scope of each piece of legislation, with a synopsis and a link to the original piece of legislation. It brings everything together in one place, including any subsequent amendments. It maps out an overview of compliance requirements across activities and locations.

Enable consistent and efficient global reporting

The software makes it simple to report on compliance across multiple jurisdictions and show your current level of compliance by category and number of tasks due and overdue. You can continuously assess your status by notifying everyone of updates to legislation, ensuring that appropriate actions are taken to remain compliant.


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