Q-Pulse QMS

Q-Pulse Apps

14 October 2019

On 11th November 2019 the Q-Pulse Documents, Audit and Reporting apps will be retired. Instead, you’ll be able to do everything from the main Q-Pulse App.

At present there are three separate apps available for iPad and Android tablets, each one supporting a specific function within your Q-Pulse Quality Management System. The Q-Pulse app will support the functionality from each of the three seperate apps going forward so nothing will change. You will now have everything in one place instead of having to jump from one app to another.

If you’re a Q-Pulse user on your smartphone then you don’t need to do anything. The Q-Pulse app for iPhone and Android will remain the same.

To log into the Q-Pulse app, please input both your server URL and audit server URL. You will then asked for your Q-Pulse username and password.

Download Q-Pulse for Android on the Play Store

Download Q-Pulse for Apple iPad or iPhone on the App Store