
Changes to RiskControls- we want your input

18 August 2020

As customers, your feedback is invaluable in continuing to develop our software to ensure it meets your needs.

We're proposing some changes in behaviour for Risk Controls in Coruson. It is intended that this proposal will be shared with the wider Coruson user base to allow feedback before deciding to proceed with a full estimate and schedule of this work.

Current Behaviour

Coruson operates on a Master Control -> Control Implementation model. A master can be implemented many times in different risk contexts, each of these is known as a Control Implementation. 

When defining the master, the user must give it a title and an optional description. When adding an implementation, the following dialogue is shown: 

Note: The description of the master control is not copied as default text into the description.


When viewing the Model the title of the control is shown but on the BowTie:

Note: The description of the control implementation is used and not the title.


Our observations indicate that due to this behaviour many customers are copying and pasting the title of the master control into the control implementation box so that a consistent title is shown on the diagram. We believe that this is time consuming and frustrating for you.


Proposed Behaviour

We propose the following changes:

  1. The description of the master control is copied into that of the implementation as a default value. You will still be able to edit it
  2. That the control title is shown on the BowTie diagram instead of the control description
  3. That the hover over text on the control box on the BowTie will show the description

We feel these changes would make the interface more logical and easier to use.

How would this impact you?

We would like to hear from you if you have any concerns on the impact of this change. Would switching the control box on the BowTie to show the title be impactful in a detrimental way on your implementation?

If so, please contact us using the address.